The October winds are here, and they bring with them swelling white caps and brisk gusts on the Hudson River. The sailboats that traverse these waters pitch and yaw in the sweeping currents. We also have to deal with the massive wakes of ferries, tankers, and cruise ships. The winds that bite are volatile and shift often. And then there are all the little speed boats that love to cross your bow as close as they possibly can. Suffice it to say, if you are sailing on the Hudson, you will get wet.
In the summer months, that's not too much of an issue with 80 degree days and high humidity in the air. But now that things are cooling off, there is a new element in play that must be contested against. Yes, with the changing of the leaves and the expressive styles of New York comes that dreaded feeling that can creep into your fingers, your toes. It finds itself on the tip of your nose and the edges of your ears. The cold. Luckily as an advanced species, we have the capabilities to combat this dreaded adversary. (You can guess where I'm going with this.) Since joining the ranks of Minus33 roughly a year ago, I have begun to replace the cotton in my wardrobe with wool. This has had a big payoff in my sailing comfort as my feet are now coated in cozy calf-length wool socks that stay warm even if they get soaked from a mega-ferry splash. I keep wool base layers under my clothes that help me retain an underlying core heat from that bone chilling feeling we can often experience on an ill prepared November day. Do yourself a favor this season and invest in you a bit. Whether you are sailing on the water, or simply going for a hike in the woods. What are we, but the warmth we carry inside. Wool will help you keep it cozy in there.