Minus33 is proud to support & supply SAR groups across the country with these kits so that they can search for and provide aid to those who are in distress or in imminent danger outdoors. Some of the most common things hikers and people exploring the outdoors are unprepared for is an unexpected injury, getting lost or experiencing sudden weather conditions that may force them to spend the night outdoors.
Many set out on what they think is going to be a simple day hike, neglecting to pack warm or spare dry clothing, water or other gear they may need in an emergency situation. For some, this mistake can be fatal.
Minus33 recycles our gently-worn returns and garments with minor defects into “SAR Kits”. Each kit contains a top & bottom Merino wool base layer, a wool hat, wool socks, and wool gloves. Essentially a head-to-toe outfit of warming-wool clothing to be applied to victim to prevent or delay hypothermia.

The Rescuers Creed
It is my duty to save life and to aid the injured. I will be prepared at all times
to perform my assigned duties quickly and efficiently, placing these duties before
personal desires and comforts. These things I do, so that others may live.