When you head out for a hike, you should always carry your own backpack. Don't make someone else carry it! Your pack doesn't have to be heavy, but it should have everything you'll need.
For a day trip that means:
- Whistle
- Garbage bag - make a hole at the top, slip the bag over your head and you'll stay warm and dry!
- Water
- Trail food - enough for the hike and an extra meal
- Warm clothing such as a fleece jacket or vest
- Flashlight
Good hiking shoes are important.
Don't try to hike in sandals or flip-flops.Other things you could add to your pack
- Lightweight, weatherproof jacket
- Extra socks
- Hat
- Insect repellent
- Sunscreen and sunglasses
- First aid kit
- Compass and map if you know how to use them
- Emergency blanket
- Camera
- Field guide
- Free information guides available from the White Mountain National Forest Ranger Stations or area Visitor Centers
- Crayons and paper for a journal