A lot of my time is spent outdoors doing the things I love, hunting and fishing being the primary activities. However, I spend a lot of my time at work as well, 8-12 hours days stuck inside not being able to get outside, some days until the sun hits the trees. One benefit of my Minus33 gear is its ability to adapt to the workplace and help me stay comfortable during the day. My work attire is semi-formal, So the Kearsarge Lightweight Wool Polo works great all year. From the cold days of winter to the warm days of summer, you can’t go wrong with its ability to adjust to your climate. It so happens that is one of the best and most comfortable shirts I have worn for work. Its ability to remove water from the skin and get rid of the stress sweat is great. My job is high stress most of the time. Its ability to help aid in this is important as I tend to be with clients all day, every day. It's also very comfortable to move in. I do a lot of twisting and rotating during the day so the ability to stay tucked in and stay put are very important to me. Another very important aspect of my job is being able to comfortable on my feet. I can’t pick one sock and say it's better than another, they all serve a purpose to me throughout the year. When I used to wear cotton socks, my feet would have a very unpleasant smell. They pretty much ruined my shoes. With Minus33, it takes the smell away and creates a dry feeling that lasts all day. Finally, the one aspect that is important in all aspects of my life is the briefs. Minus33 takes the cake with the Acadian Wool boxer. Keeps you comfortable all day and fits like a glove. These are also very important to everyday activities outside of work. Keeping everything dry and comfortable. Work isn’t exciting to many, but the reality is most of us spend a lot of time at work. If your lifestyle involves being outside or inside or a little bit of both, Minus33 will have you covered for all places and kinds of activities. Truthfully it's one of things that keep me going day to day, in the office and outside of it!